

来源: 天津市司法局 发布时间: 2021-12-31 17:10


Decree of Tianjin Municipal People’s Government




TheProvisionsof Tianjin Municipality onthe Responsibility for Production Safety of Production and Business Entities,whichwereadopted at the175th executive meeting of the municipal peoples government onDecember24,2021, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as ofMarch 1, 2022.


Liao Guoxun,

Mayor of Tianjin


December31, 2021


Provisions ofTianjin Municipality on the Responsibilityfor Production Safety of Production and Business Entities


Article 1 In order to strengthen work safety, prevent and reduce safety accidents in production, protect the safety of people's lives and properties, and promote sustainable andsound economic and social development, theseprovisionsare formulated in accordance with the Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China, Safety Production Regulations of Tianjin Municipality and other laws, regulationsandin light of the actual conditions of this municipality.



Article 2Entities engaged in production and business within thejurisdiction of thismunicipality (hereinafter referred to as production and businessentities) shall perform theduty for production safety in accordance with theseprovisions.

Where laws, regulations and rules havespecial provisions on the responsibility for production safetyof production andbusiness entities, such provisions shall apply.



Article 3 A production and business entity is the main body responsible for production safety, bears the responsibility for the production safety of its ownentity, and is responsible for the consequences of failing to perform theduty for production safety.

Production and businessentities must abide by the laws, regulations and rules on production safety, implement the standards formulated in accordance with the law to ensure production safety, strengthen production safety management, establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety and production safety rules and regulations for all employees, and increase funding for production safety,andguaranteematerials, technology, and personnel input, improve safety production conditions, strengthen safety production standardization and informatization construction, build a dual prevention mechanism for safety risk classification control andpotential risk investigation and management, improve risk prevention and resolution mechanisms, improve safety production level and ensure safe production.



Article 4 The municipal and district people's governments shall strengthen the leadership of work safety, establish and improve the coordination mechanism for work safety, support and urge all relevant departments to perform their duties of work safety supervision and management in accordance with the law, and coordinatetheresolution of major problems in work safety supervision and management in a timely manner.

Township people's governments and sub-district offices, as well as developmental zones, industrial parks, port areas, scenic spots, etc., shall specify the relevant working institutions responsible for the supervision and management of production safety and theirduties, strengthen the construction of production safety supervision forces, conduct supervision and managementwithin their jurisdiction according to theirduties, supervise and inspect the work safety status of production and businessentities within the region, assist relevant departments of the people's government or perform work safety supervision and management duties in accordance with the law as authorized.


Article 5 Emergency management departments and development and reform, education, industry and informatization, public security, planning resources, housing and urban-rural construction, transportation, water affairs, agriculture and rural areas, commerce, culture and tourism, health, market supervision and other departments that supervise and manage work safety in relevant industries and fields are collectively referred to as the departments responsible for work safety supervision and management, and shall supervise and manage the work safety in relevant industries and fields in accordance with the laws, regulations, rules, and theinternal arrangement of safety work stipulated by the people's government at the same level.


Article 6 A production and business entity shall meet the conditions for safe production as stipulated by relevant laws, regulations, rules and standards; if it does not meet the conditions for safe production, it shall not engage in production and business activities.









Article 7 The main person in charge of a production and business entity is the first responsible person for production safety in the entity, and is fully responsible for the production safety work of the entity, and performs the following duties:

(1)To establish, improve, and implement the work safety responsibility system for all employees of the unit, and strengthen the standardization of work safety.

(2)To organize the formulation and implementation of the work safety rules and regulations and operative procedures of the unit.

(3)To organize the formulation and implementation of the unit's work safety education and training plan.

(4)To guarantee the effective implementation of the unit's safety production input.

(5)To organize the establishment and implementation of the dual prevention working mechanism of safety risk classification management and control and hidden danger investigation and management, supervise and inspect the safety production work of the unit, and eliminate the hidden dangers of production safety accidents in a timely manner.

(6)To organize the formulation and implementation of the unit's emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents.

(7)To report production safety accidents in a timely and truthful manner.



Article 8 The main person in charge of a production and business entity shall establish and improve the safety production responsibility system for all employees from the main person in charge to the front-line employees, covering the management and operation of all work positions, clarify the scope of safety production responsibility, assessment standards and rewarding and punishment measures, sign the safety production responsibility letter level by level and post by post, and conduct regular supervision and assessment.

In the safety production responsibility system for all employees, a safety production responsibility system is established for management posts post by post, and a unified operational post safety production responsibility system shall be established for operation posts.



Article 9 Production andbusiness entities in high-risk industries such as mining, metal smelting, construction, road transportation, urban rail transit operations, and the production, operation, storage, loading and unloading of dangerous goods should have a safety director, and other production and operation entities may have a safety director.

A safety directorshould have the safety production knowledge and management ability corresponding to the production and operation activities of the unit, have certain safety production management experience, be familiar with the safety production business, and master the safety production related laws, regulations, rules and standards.






Article 10 The chief safety officer shall be a full-time person who mainly performs the following duties:

(1) To assist the main person in charge of the unit to perform the duties of safety production management.

(2) To supervise andurge other persons in charge of the unit to perform their duties on production safety.

(3) To guide and supervise the safety production management agency and safety production management personnel of theentity to perform safety production management duties.

Theduty of thechief safety officeris without prejudice to the duty of the principal person in charge, other persons in charge and the person in charge of the safety production management organization to perform theobligations of safety production.



Article 11 Production and businessentities shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and this Municipality, strengthen the standardization of production safety.

Production and businessentitiesare encouraged to carry out the work of safety production standardization. The department in charge of safety production supervision and management shall notify the bank, securities, insurance, guarantee and other competent departments of the results of safety production standardization, as an important reference for the performance appraisal of production and operation units, credit rating, investment and financing, evaluation and promotion, insurance safety production, liability insurance and reducing the frequency of work safety inspections.

















Article 12 The principal person in charge of a production and business entity shall, in accordance with the law, organize the formulation of the work safety rules and regulations of the entity, mainly including:

(1) The safety production publicity, education, and training system.

(2) Safe production input system.

(3)Management, overhaul, maintenance and upkeep of safety equipment and facilities.

(4) The provision and management system of labor protection articles.

(5) The hierarchical management and control system for safety risks.

(6)The system for the investigation and management of hidden dangers of production safety accidents.

(7)Management system for major hazard sources and hazardous operations.

(8) Production safety inspection system.

(9) Safety production meeting system.

(10) The system of leaders taking turns on-site to lead shifts.

(11) related party management system.

(12) Management system for special operators.

(13) Rewards and punishments and accountability systems for safe production.

(14) Production safety accident reporting, investigation and handling, and emergency rescue systems.

(15) Other safety production management systems stipulated by laws, regulations, and rules.



Article 13 The principal person in charge of a production and business entity shall, in accordance with laws, regulations, rules and standards, organize the formulation of safety production operation rules in accordance with the production process flow, technical equipment characteristics, and safety risks of post operation of the entity.

Theoperative procedures forsafety production shall cover all the production andbusiness activities of theentity, and specify the safety operation requirements, operating environment requirements, operation protection requirements, prohibitedissues, and emergency on-site disposal measures.


Article 14 A production and business entity shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and rules, conduct work safety education, training and assessment for its employees. Work safety education and training shall be authentic and effective, and meet the frequency, hours, and content requirements stipulated by the state and this Municipality. Employees who have not passed the safety production education, training and assessment are not allowed to work.







Article 15 Production andbusiness entities shall establish work safety education and training files, and truthfully record the time, content, participants and assessment results of work safety education and training.

The safety production education and training archivescontain the following materials:

(1) Safety production level 3 education records and examination papers signed and written by the trainers and trainees.

(2) Materials or video materials containing the content of education and training.

(3) Sign-in forms and hours records for education and training.

(4) The roster of the training staff's assessment results.


Article 16 A production and business entity shall extract and use safety production expenses in accordance with state regulations, ensure the necessary capital investment for the safety production conditions that the entity should have, andspend it exclusivelyin improving safety production conditions, and include safety production costs into the annual production and operation plan and financial budget, and shall not use it for other purposes.


Article 17 Production and businessentities shall implement the responsibility system for the management of safety production technology by the person in charge of the unit, strengthen the technical decision-making and command power of the main technical person in charge; promote the application of advanced and applicable new technologies, new standards, new processes, new equipment and new materials, promote the construction of informatization, digitization and intelligence, carry out scientific research on technical issues that affect andconfine the safety production of the unit, encourage employees to carry out technological innovation, and improve the level of safety production.



Article 18 A production and businessentity must carry out regular maintenance and regular inspections on safety equipment to ensure normal operation and establish a safety equipment catalog based on the actual production and operation of the unit.

Production and business entities shall conduct regular safety inspections on production equipment and facilities, buildings (structures), vehicles, and production environments.



Article 19 Production and businessentitiesshall regularly provide and updateeligiblelabor protection articles for employees for free, supervise and educate employees to wear and use them correctly, and truthfully record the purchase and distribution of labor protection articles.

Labor protection articles shall not be replaced by currency or other items.












Article 20 A production and business entity shall perform the following responsibilities for the hierarchical management and control of safety risks:

(1) To implement the security risk classification management and control system, and carry out security risk identification, assessment, announcement, prevention, and control, etc.

(2) To conduct all-round and whole-process identification of safety risks in production technology, equipment and facilities, operating environment, personnel behavior, and management system, so as to be systematic, comprehensive, and without omissions, and tokeep it updated and improved.

(3) To classify the identified safety risks and determine the safety risk category and level in accordance with the relevant national standards and norms.

(4) To establish a list of major safety risks, and report to the department in charge of safety production supervision and management in respective jurisdiction.

(5) To take measures such as eliminating, replacing,employing technical tools, isolating dangerous sources, implementing individual protection, setting up monitoring facilities, etc., to effectively manage and control the identified safety risks.

(6) To rank, stratify, classify and sub-professional management of safety risks, and implement the management and control responsibilities of production andbusiness entities, branch factories (workshops), work sections (teams) and positions.

(7) To implement dynamic assessment of security risks according to changes in the security risk status and adjust risk levels and control measures in a timely manner.

(8) To implement safety risk announcement regulations, make post safety risk notification cards, carry out risk education and skill training for employees to ensure that employees master the basic situation of safety risks and control measures and emergency response measures.

(9) To set up safety risk bulletin boards in conspicuous locations and key areas to announce major safety risks, types of hidden dangers that may cause accidents, accident consequences, management and control measures, emergency measures, and accident reporting methods.

(10) To set up safety warning signs in workplaces and positionsin regard to relativelyserious safety risks.







Article 21 A production and business entity shall perform the following responsibilities for the investigation and management of hidden dangers:

(1) To implement the system for the investigation and management of hidden dangers of production safety accidents, clarify the responsibility and scope of the investigation and management of hidden dangers of accidents of each employee including the main person in charge, and carry out all aspects of work such as investigation, assessment, reporting, monitoring, rectification, and acceptance of hidden dangers.

(2) To compile a list of potential accident hazards, clarify the items, standards and responsible persons, etc. according to the regulations of the state, this municipality and relevant industries, and determine the inspection cycle according to the safety risk level.

(3) To organize the investigation of hidden dangers, establish an accident hidden danger investigation and management ledger, and truthfully record the investigation time, hidden danger content, specific location, hidden danger investigation person, rectification measures, rectification responsible person, rectification completion time limit, fund guarantee, rectification acceptance, etc.

(4) To immediately organize rectification for general hidden dangers, formulate and implement rectification plans for major hidden dangers, set up warning signs, take emergency measures, publicize the degree of harm and scope of impact of hidden dangers, and implement rectification measures, responsibilities, funds, time limit and accident emergency plan, complete rectification on schedule to ensure the elimination of hidden dangers.

(5) To record, summarize, and analyze the investigation and management of potential accident hazards, according to industry classification, and reporting truthfully and regularly to the competent department responsible for production safety supervision and management.








Article 22 A production and business entity shall take the following measures against major hazard sources:

(1) To implement the major hazard management system and establish major hazard management files.

(2) To carry out dynamic monitoring andthe supervision of the operative situation throughout the process to eliminate hidden dangers in a timely manner.

(3) To conduct regular inspections on safety facilities and equipment.

(4) To conduct safety assessments in accordance with relevant state regulations.

(5) Tobe equipped with emergency rescue equipment and materials,toformulate emergency plans for major hazards andtoorganize regular drills.

(6) To report the monitoring of major hazard sources and the implementation of relevant safety measures and emergency management measures to the local department in charge of safety production supervision and management as required.








Article 23 Production andbusiness entities shall comply with the following provisions when carrying out blasting, hot work, hoisting, building demolition, high-altitude suspension, earthwork excavation, pipeline dredging, limited space operations and other dangerous operations stipulated by the state:

(1) To implement the internal approval system for dangerous operations, and confirm that the on-site operating conditions, the qualifications of the operators and the labor protection equipment provided meet the requirementsof safe operation.

(2) To equip with corresponding safety facilities, takeprecautious measures, and appoint special personnel for unified command and supervision on the spot.

(3) To conduct hazard risk assessment, formulate control measures, operation plans, and safety operation procedures.

(4) To formulate emergency rescue plans and take emergency measures when an emergency situation that directly endangers personal safety is discovered.

(5) Laws, regulations, rules or other provisions of the state, this city, and related industries on hazardous work.

Where a production and business entity entrust other professionally qualified entities to carry out the dangerous operations specified in the preceding paragraph, it shall sign a safety production management agreement with the entrusted party before the operation, specifying their respective safety production responsibilities.


Article 24 Ifa production and businessentity conducts maintenance, emergency repair, commissioning, loading and unloading, etc., which are dangerous operations stipulated by the state and this Municipality,it shall abide by the relevant regulations; ifno dangerous operation stipulated by lawis involved,it shall conduct risk analysis and takesuchmeasuresas cutting off the power, purging, ventilation, testing andso on, set up safety guardians, and demarcate warning areas to ensure safe operation.



Article 25 The production safetymanager of a production and business entity shall conduct regular inspections of the safety production status according to the production and operation characteristics of the entity; the safety problems found in the inspection shall be dealt with immediately; If the safety problems found in the inspection cannot be dealt with, they shall be reported to the relevant responsible person of the unit in a timely manner, and the relevant responsible person shall deal with it in a timely manner. The inspection and handling shall be recorded truthfully.

If the safety production management personnel of a production and business operation unit discover major hidden dangers in the inspection, they shall report to the relevant person in charge of the unit in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. If the relevant person in charge fails to deal with it in time, the production safety management personnel may report to the competent department responsible for production safety supervision and management, and the department that receives the report shall deal with it in a timely manner according to law.


Article 26 The principal person in charge of a production and business entity shall organize and study the safety production issues of the entity in the form of holding meetings on a regular basis, report the safety production situation to the workers' congress, workers' meeting and shareholders' meeting at least once a year, accept the supervision and inspection of relevant departments, as well as accept the supervision of trade unions and employees.



Article 27 A production and business entity shall strengthen the leadership responsibility for the management of theproducing process and implement themechanism ofmanagers on the shift by turns.

The main person in charge and other persons in charge of the production andbusiness entity shall take turns to lead the shift on-site to strengthen the management of on-site production safety.Managers in charge of the class shall go deep into the production and operation site to inspect the production safety situation and record it truthfully and take corresponding measures in a timely manner for the hidden dangers of accidents to ensure the safety of production and operation. TheManager of the class should keep a record of the handover and must not leave the office without permission.







Article28No production or business entities may outsource or lease the production or business projects, work places or equipment to any unit or individual that doesnot meet the conditions for work safety stipulated or the corresponding qualifications.

Under any of the following circumstances, the production and business entity shallsign special agreements on control over work safety with the contractors or leases, or specify the respective responsibilities of each party in the relevant contracts.

(1) Outsourcingproduction activities, business activities, electrical operation, instrument maintenance, equipment maintenanceand repair, security services and other production and business projects.

(2) Renting workshops, warehouses, parking lots and other places.

(3) Renting production devices, vehicles, monitoring systems and other equipment.

The production and business entity shall coordinate and manage the work safety of the contractor and the lessee in a unified manner, conduct regular inspections of work safety and record it truthfully, and shall urge rectification in a timely manner if safety problems are found.






Article29An agreement on the management of production safety shall include thefollowing contents:

(1) The regional scope, safety production responsibilities and agreement period managed by both parties.

(2) Responsibilities for production safety management of operation places, operation workers, equipment and facilities.

(3) Rights and obligations of both parties concerning production safety.

(4) The responsibility of reporting and rescuing.



Article30In carrying out special operations, production and business entities shall employ special operation workers with corresponding qualifications.

Production and business entities shall verify the operation qualifications of special operation workers and arrange their posts according to the permitted operation category and operation items.


Article31Production and business operation entities shall improve the supervision and assessment mechanism of their own production safety responsibility system, regularly supervise and assess the implementation of the production safety responsibility system, and the assessment results shall be used as the basis for reward and punishment of production safety. The safety production problems found in the supervision and assessment work shall be rectified in a timely manner, and the relevant responsible persons shall be held accountable in accordance with laws and regulations.







Article32Production and business entities shall fulfill the following responsibilitiesfor emergency rescue of production safety accidents:

(1) To formulate the emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents and publicize it to the employees of theentity.

(2) To carry out emergency rescue education and training for employees of theentity.

(3) To organize at least one emergency rescue plan drill every year, and at least one on-site disposal plan drill every six months.

(4) In the event of a production safety accident,organize rescue immediately to reduce casualties, and quickly take effective measures to prevent the expansion of accidents and reduce property losses.


Article33If a production safety accident occurs in a production and business entity, the relevant personnel at the accident site shall immediately report to the person in charge of the entity; After receiving the report, the person in charge of the entity shall immediately take effective measures to organize rescue, prevent the expansion of the accident, reduce casualties and property losses, report truthfully to the competent department responsible for production safety supervision and management within an hour, andfollowthe unified command of the accident emergency rescue agency.


Article34If a production and business entity does not meet the conditions for production safety stipulatedbylaws, regulations, rules and standards,and the illegal status continues after the rectification, the department responsible for the supervision and management of safe production shall request the people's government at the same level to close it in accordance with the law, and the relevant departments shall revoke its relevant licensesin accordance with the law.




Article35If the main person in charge of the production and business entity fails to perform the duties of production safety management according to law, he shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan; Ifhefails to make corrections within the time limit,heshall be fined not less than 50000 yuan but not more than 100000 yuan, and the production and business operation entity shall be ordered tosuspendproduction and business for rectification.

If the main person in charge of a production and business entity commits the illegal act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, resulting in a production safety accident, he shall beremoved from office as a disciplinary action; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

If the main person in charge of a production and business entity is subject to criminal punishment orisremoved from office as a disciplinary actionin accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, he shall not serve as the principal person in charge of any production and business entity within five years from the date of completion of the execution of the penalty or the date of the sanction. Those who are responsible for serious or particularly serious production safety accidents shall not serve as the main person in charge of the production and business entities of the industry for life.






Article36If the main person in charge of a production and business entity fails to perform his duties of production safety management according to law, resulting in a production safety accident, the emergency management department shall impose a fine in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) If an ordinary accident occurs, a fine of 40% of the annual income of the previous year shall be imposed.

(2) If amajor accident occurs, a fine of 60% of the annual income of the previous year shall be imposed.

(3) If aserious accident occurs, a fine of 80% of the annual income of the previous year shall be imposed.

(4) If a particularly serious accident occurs, a fine of 100% of the annual income of the previous year shall be imposed.


Article37 If the production safety rules formulated by the main person in charge of the production and businessentity do not conform to the provisions,the department responsible for the supervision and management of safe productionshall order it to make corrections within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 30000 yuan.


Article38If other person in charge of the productionorbusiness entity and themanagerof production safety failsto perform their duties of production safety management according to law, they shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 30000 yuan. If a production safety accident occurs, the qualification related to production safety shall be suspended or revoked, and a fine of more than 20% and less than 50% of the annual income of the previous year shall be imposed; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.


Article39Ifaproduction and business entity fails to implement the full safety production responsibility system and conduct regular assessment, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and may be fined not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 30000 yuan; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it shall be fined not less than 30000 yuan but not more than 100000 yuan.






Article40If a production and business entity commits any of the following acts,the department responsible for the supervision and management of safe productionshall order it to make corrections within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 30000 yuan:

(1) Failing toappoint safety director as required.

(2) Failing to compile a list of potential accident hazards.

(3) Incomplete records of accident potential danger investigation and treatment account.

(4) Themanageron the shift is absent without permission.







Article41If a production and business entity commits any of the following acts, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined not more than 100000 yuan; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification, and shall also be fined not less than 100000 yuan but not more than 200000 yuan, thedirectly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnelshall be fined not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan:

(1) Failing to carry out work safety education and training for employees, dispatched workers and interns in accordance with the provisions, or failing to truthfully inform relevant work safety matters in accordance with the provisions.

(2) Failing to truthfully record the work safety education and training.

(3) Failing to truthfully record the investigation and treatment of potential accident hazards or failing to inform the employees.

(4) Failing to formulate an emergency rescue plan for production safety accidents in accordance with the regulations or failing to organize drills regularly.

(5) Special operation personnel fail to receive special safety operation training and obtain corresponding qualifications as requiredbefore taking up their jobs.



Article42Ifadecision-making body, the main person in charge or the investor of individual operation of the production and business operation entity fails to guarantee the necessary capital investment for safe production according to law, so that the production and business operation entity does not meet the conditions for safe production, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and provide the necessary funds; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, the production and business entity shall be ordered to suspend production and business forfurtherrectification.

In case of any production safety accident caused by any of the illegal acts as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the main person in charge of the production and business entity shall be removed from office as a disciplinarysanction according to law, and the self-employed investorshallbeimposed a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan ;if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.






Article43If a production and business operation entity commits any of the following acts, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined not more than 50000 yuan; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it shall be fined not less than 50000 yuan but not more than 200000 yuan, andthe directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be fined not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 20000 yuan; If the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification;if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

(1) Failing to set up obvious safety warning signs on the production and business premises and relevant facilities and equipment with major risk factors.

(2) The installation, use, detection, transformation and scrapping of safety equipment do not meet national or industrial standards.

(3) Failing to carry out regular safeguard, maintenance and regular inspection on safety equipment.

(4) Failing to provide employees with labor protection articles that meet national or industrial standards.






Article44If a production and business operation entity commits any of the following acts, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined not more than 100000 yuan; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit,it shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectificationand be fined not less than 100000 yuan but not more than 200000 yuan, andthe directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be fined not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan;if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

(1) Failing to establish a special safety management system or take reliable safety measures for the production, operation, transportation, storage and use of dangerous goods or the disposal of abandoned dangerous goods.

(2) Failing to register and file major hazard sources,conduct regular detection, evaluation and monitoring, formulate emergency plans, or inform emergency measures

(3) Failing to establish a hierarchical management and control system for safety risks or failing to take corresponding management and control measures according to the classification of safety risks.

(4) Failing to establish a system for the investigation andhandling of potential accidents, or failing to report the investigation andhandling of major potential accidents in accordance with the provisions.


Article45 If a production and business entity, in violation of regulations, conducts blasting, hot work, hoisting, building demolition, hanging from height, earth excavation, pipeline dredging, operations in limited space and other dangerous operations stipulated by the state, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and may be fined not more than 100000 yuan; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it shall be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification, and shall also be fined not less than 100000 yuan but not more than 200000 yuan, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be fined not less than 20000 yuan but not more than 50000 yuan.


Article46 Ifaproduction and business unit violates the regulationsbyconductingoverhaul, maintenance, emergency repair, debugging, loading and unloading and other dangerous operations that are notgovernedby the state and this Municipality,the department responsible for the supervision and management shall order it to make corrections within a time limit and impose a fine of not less than 5000 yuan but not more than 30000 yuan, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be fined not less than 2000 yuan but not more than 10000 yuan.



Article47 If a production and business entityoutsourcesor leases production and business projects, sites and equipment to units or individuals that do not meet the conditions for safe production or corresponding qualifications, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and the illegal income shall be confiscated; If the illegal income is more than 100,000 yuan, a fine of not less than two times but not more than five times the illegal income shall be imposed; if there is no illegal income or the illegal income is less than 100,000 yuan, a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan shall be imposed individually or concurrently; The person in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be fined not less than 10000 yuan but not more than 20000 yuan; If a production safety accident causes damage to others, It shall be jointly and severally liable for compensation with the contractor and the lessee.

If the production and business entity fails to sign special agreements on control over work safety with the contractors or leases, or fails to specify the respective responsibilities of each party in the relevant contracts, or fails to coordinate and manage the safety production of the contractor or lessee in a unified manner, it shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and be fined not more than 50000 yuan, the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel with a fine of less than 10,000 yuan; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it will be ordered to suspend production and business for rectification.



Article48 If the main person in charge of the production and business entity fails to organize rescue immediately or leaves his post without authorization orescapesduring the accident investigation and handling period when a production safety accident occurs in his entity, he shall be demoted or dismissed, and the emergency management department shall impose a fine of 60% to 100% of the annual income of the previous year; those whoescapeshall be detained for not more than 15 days;if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.

If the main person in charge of a production and business entityconceals or makes a false or delayed report of a production safety accident, he shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Article49These provisions shall come into force as ofMarch1,2022.
